Christmas Eve this year was nothing short of magical as we found ourselves surrounded by the picturesque winter wonderland of Slovenia. With a light dusting of about two inches of snow blanketing the ground, we decided it was the perfect opportunity to embrace the festive spirit and build a snowman together as a family.
The snow was soft and perfect for rolling, and Georgia was thrilled to get started. She eagerly helped shape the snowman, adding a splash of creativity with a bright red hat and a cosy pink scarf. Her excitement was infectious as she proudly stood next to our frosty friend once he was complete.
Dotty, however, wasn’t as enthusiastic about the snow. She found the clear path far more appealing than the soft, snowy patches. We couldn’t help but laugh as she watched us from her safe, snow-free zone, her curious yet cautious expressions adding a touch of humour to the day. While she didn’t get hands-on with the snowman, she seemed content observing all the action from the sidelines.
As for us, the joy of working together to create something so quintessentially Christmas brought warmth to the chilly afternoon. The experience was a beautiful reminder of why we embarked on this journey – to create special moments as a family in places we’ve never been before.
Slovenia’s serene, snow-covered landscape provided the perfect backdrop for this unforgettable day. It felt like something out of a storybook crisp winter air, laughter ringing out, and the sparkle of snow under the soft December light.
This Christmas Eve may not have been traditional for us, but it was certainly one to remember, currently watching the snowman on TV as I write this. We hope wherever you are, you’re finding your own moments of joy and magic this festive season.
Merry Christmas from all of us to you!
Learn more about Christmas in Slovenia!
Learn more about Christmas in Slovenia!
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Learn more about Slovenian Christmas Experience!